The attorney helps the parties resolve their own conflict
Mediation often takes place in family law cases, whether or not you have retained an attorney.
Mediation is an alternative to a court trial. In fact, when there is a custody or physical placement dispute, courts will order mediation with the mediator on staff in that county, or selected by that county to fill that role. Mediation outside of this court ordered mediation allows you and your soon to be former spouse (along with your counsel if you have counsel) the opportunity to negotiate a settlement on all issues.
Kammer Law Office, S.C., has the training and experience to act as a mediator to help you try to resolve your dispute before the judge is required to resolve it for you.
Additionally, the Rules of Professional Responsibility have changed. As of July 1, 2017, if you and your soon to be former spouse utilize a mediator and are successful in resolving your dispute, that mediator is now permitted to draft the agreement you reached for your signature, and file it with the court on your behalf.